Jumat, 13 Maret 2009
waktu pengeboman di Legian tuh,gue lagi di Bali.gue berangkat ama temen-temen berangkat hr jumat tgl 11/08/02 sore.pas malam kita langsung ke hotel,kebetulan temen gue ada yg dapet voucher 2 hr di Hardrock hotel.Krn udah capek,kita jalan2 di sekitar hotel aja.Besok paginya kita keliling Kuta,trus disana temen2 gue kenalan ama bule Inggris..hehhe lucu-lucu sich.Trus malamnya kita janjian ama mereka utk dugem bareng di Double Six,tp mereka mo telp2an lagi.sambil nunggu telp mereka,temen gue ngajak makan di Mc'D (Legian juga) itu sekitar jam 8an malam,eh mereka baru tlp jam 9 dan mereka bilang klo mereka masih di SC.mereka mau jemput kita jam 11an gitu deh di hotel,mereka bilang klo mereka ketemu temen2nya juga di SC.Ya udah deh kita cepet2 balik ke htl.Nggak tau kenapa kita semua tiba-tiba maless banget mo keluar,akhirnya kita putusin kalo mereka jemput kita batalin aja.Sampai jam 11 mereka belon tlp,pas jam 11.30an gitu tiba2 kita denger ada suara keras tp gak tau dr mana n lantai kita tuh gerak udah deh kitaa lari aja keluar kamar eh pas diluar ternyata banyak yg keluar kamar juga,kita cuman bengong aja sambil ngira2 ada apa nichh...ngga lama ada roomboy yg lewat bilang klo ada kebakaran di Legian.tp kok sampai tanah getar gitu yahhh...trus kita putusin nunggu di lobby hotel,nggak lama banyak yg dateng gitu kayak orang ketakutan aja..trus dr situ kita tau ada pengeboman di SC,dan mereka pada susah ngomong shock banget kayaknya dan kita bertiga cuman bengong.Trus kita masuk kamar aja,sambil kita nginget 'temen baru'kita dimana yah?ngga kerasa kita ketiduran sampai pagi jam 7an kita bangun n liat tivi ada berita tentang SC trus temen2 gue yg pada histeris gituuu,gue juga nggak tau ngomong apa..gue cuma nenangin aja mereka,gue bilang belon tentu mereka meninggal juga.temen2 gue pada nangis di kamar,jam 9an gue turun ke lobby disana banyak orang terutama turis asing yg udh pada packing 7 pada mo ke airport,trus ada salah 1 roomboy yg nanyain gue apa gue juga mo balik.gak tau tiba2 gue bilang klo gue pingin banget ke Legian,trus dia bilang kalo bahaya tp dia ngajakin bareng klo mau jam 3 sore abis dia tugas.akhirnya gue setuju,temen2 gue juga mau dan kita kesana naek mobil sewaan ...gila tuh tempat kayak abis perang 10 tahun.gue cuma bengong aja dan gak sadar gue nangis tp gue ama temen2 gak berani deket2 ke lokasi soalnya temen gue pada takut darah dan soalnya masih ada police line.tp kalo ngeliat dr jarak 10 meteran aja bisa cuman itu aja udah darah dimana-mana,gue disana cuman 1/2 jam aja soalnya gue udah pusing and neg banget ama bau darah tp asli 1/2 jam itu gue spt liat tempat pembunuhan massal,gue keinget2 terus..senin pagi gue balik soalnya ortu udah teriak2 dan mohon2 spy kita balik..yah kita balik tp kita cuma keinget 1/2 jam di legian ituu..sampai sekarang kita ngga pernah dpt kabar atau tlp dr 'temen baru' kita itu,kita nggak tau dia msh hidup atau nggak...sampai sekarang perasaan gue masih shock,kaget,sedih dan kayaknya pengin nangis terus...kenapa ini hrs terjadi di Indonesia khusunya di Bali?nb.sorry cerita gue mungkin ngga terlalu bagus penyusunannya.thanks,thanks baladewa..
Pagi ituYang tersaji di meja makankupotongan kepala ikan beserta tulang,diselingi nasi yang hampir jadi kerakSambil dengarkan engkau berkata tentangcinta yang hilang di pagi hari.Oh ludahmu banjiri piring makan ku,caci makimu bikin aku kenyang.Pagi itu seekor kucing kirim akusepotong kepala ikan di meja makanPagi itu beras di dapur habis tercuri tikustikusPagi itu kau menunggu cintamu pulangdepan pagar rumah
Everyone is attracted to people who show a genuine passion for something in life. Controlled enthusiasm draws others in to your energy. People with passion tend to excel and be knowledgeable about the hobby, sport, or job that drives them. Intelligence carries many perceptions, and all are positive attention getters. Intelligent people are perceived to be more emotionally stable, independent, socially adjusted, and have more professional success. They're interesting to listen to. People are drawn to intelligence as they can learn about things. Work this to your advantage. Be an expert at things. Now being smarter about a topic doesn't mean you are brilliant. It means you put in the extra effort to learn more about something than others have. It really just means you can memorize and speak well.
Set out to have a broad base of knowledge on an array of topics. Know more than the next guy. Be somewhat of an information junky. However, you should never let on you're smarter than the cocky uninformed blabbermouth trying to impress the ladies. You shouldn't divulge your success or inside information to another guy in front of women, particularly if they are not at a similar level. Let the other guy blather on about how great he is doing, while you smile and act mildly amused. It is better to be self-deprecating in this situation. Woman love this and can sense it immediately. They can't wait to talk to you in private and ask if some guy was full of shit, or find out what the real story is. There is power in being playfully humble. Being arrogant may bring you a lot of attention initially, but unless you can back it up with success, it is an attraction killer.
Travel Guru:
Act fascinated and in awe of things you know women like. Be passionate in your explanations of your discoveries. Women are all drawn to things that involve travel; far away trips, exotic locations, and tropical paradises. Make it a pet project of yours to study a wide variety of popular locations. Put real time into it, watch the Discovery Channel to help visualize images to describe, and read books about the topics and places. Take up some more extravagant hobbies. Develop wider interests; go scuba diving in the Caribbean, take the hiking trip down and up the Grand Canyon, go blue marlin fishing in Cabo San Lucas, study hiking and mountain climbing in South America. You only live once, so do some of these excursions. Blow off puking with the guys at spring break, and take some eco-sporting trips. Document them with a digital camera.. .take action shots, and do your best intense James Bond poses. Smirk, and act like you do this stuff every day, and are having the time of your life in them. Pics are an instant conversation starter. Every girl is fascinated by well-documented travels.
It doesn't take much effort to develop an extensive knowledge of exotic places and events. Why all this effort? Picking up women is a competition sport. Nothing bores a woman more than a guy who drones on about his job, and how important he sees himself there. The guy who never discusses his job, and oozes passion discussing exotic adventures attracts. The Crocodile Hunter is the alpha stud, Orville the office cubicle dork is a lost cause. If you can't afford the trips, study all the details, the ins and outs...let's face it. How can a woman really know in conversation if you've done all these trips, when you're so knowledgeable about them? When you combine your knowledge and passion about these things, you draw attention to yourself, without any vanity or ego; you come across as the debonair cashed up travel stud, whom she hopes will take her on the next adventure.
These online singles dating sites have numerous profiles with hot singles looking for discrete relationships, romantic dates and mariage, so you will definitely find the person you've been looking for!
Set out to have a broad base of knowledge on an array of topics. Know more than the next guy. Be somewhat of an information junky. However, you should never let on you're smarter than the cocky uninformed blabbermouth trying to impress the ladies. You shouldn't divulge your success or inside information to another guy in front of women, particularly if they are not at a similar level. Let the other guy blather on about how great he is doing, while you smile and act mildly amused. It is better to be self-deprecating in this situation. Woman love this and can sense it immediately. They can't wait to talk to you in private and ask if some guy was full of shit, or find out what the real story is. There is power in being playfully humble. Being arrogant may bring you a lot of attention initially, but unless you can back it up with success, it is an attraction killer.
Travel Guru:
Act fascinated and in awe of things you know women like. Be passionate in your explanations of your discoveries. Women are all drawn to things that involve travel; far away trips, exotic locations, and tropical paradises. Make it a pet project of yours to study a wide variety of popular locations. Put real time into it, watch the Discovery Channel to help visualize images to describe, and read books about the topics and places. Take up some more extravagant hobbies. Develop wider interests; go scuba diving in the Caribbean, take the hiking trip down and up the Grand Canyon, go blue marlin fishing in Cabo San Lucas, study hiking and mountain climbing in South America. You only live once, so do some of these excursions. Blow off puking with the guys at spring break, and take some eco-sporting trips. Document them with a digital camera.. .take action shots, and do your best intense James Bond poses. Smirk, and act like you do this stuff every day, and are having the time of your life in them. Pics are an instant conversation starter. Every girl is fascinated by well-documented travels.
It doesn't take much effort to develop an extensive knowledge of exotic places and events. Why all this effort? Picking up women is a competition sport. Nothing bores a woman more than a guy who drones on about his job, and how important he sees himself there. The guy who never discusses his job, and oozes passion discussing exotic adventures attracts. The Crocodile Hunter is the alpha stud, Orville the office cubicle dork is a lost cause. If you can't afford the trips, study all the details, the ins and outs...let's face it. How can a woman really know in conversation if you've done all these trips, when you're so knowledgeable about them? When you combine your knowledge and passion about these things, you draw attention to yourself, without any vanity or ego; you come across as the debonair cashed up travel stud, whom she hopes will take her on the next adventure.
These online singles dating sites have numerous profiles with hot singles looking for discrete relationships, romantic dates and mariage, so you will definitely find the person you've been looking for!
Selasa, 10 Maret 2009
KapanLagi.com - Sebentar lagi Valentine, hari istimewa untuk mengungkapkan kasih-sayang. Mengucap kata cinta dan sayang bukanlah hal sulit, tapi mungkin bagi sebagian orang itu merupakan pekerjaan susah. Sebenarnya, ada cara-cara sederhana untuk mengungkapkan cinta, well, orang bilang, tindakan bicara lebih keras dari pada kata-kata! Nah, simak, beberapa tips sederhana yang kami berikan untuk mengungkapkan kasih-sayang pada yang terkasih.
1. Letakkan catatan di meja makan sebelum sarapan, dengan tulisan 'Aku Cinta Kamu'
2. Kirimkan sebuah e-mail pada kekasih Anda yang berisi sebuah puisi cinta
3. Kirimkan e-card cinta pada kekasih Anda. Untuk yang ini, Anda bisa juga melakukannya setiap hari.
4.Kirimkan bunga dengan catatan singkat 'Aku Cinta Kamu'
5.Buat daftar hal-hal yang membuat Anda mencintainya, betapapun itu terdengar konyol. Dan berikan daftar itu padanya.
6. Luangkan waktu khusus hanya untuk berduaan dengan kekasih Anda
7. Beri pelukan hangat di tempat yang dia tak mendunga Anda akan melakukanya
8. Buat masakan makanan favorit kekasih Anda
9. Saat menemuinya, berikan senyuman Anda yang paling manis dan tatap matanya dalam-dalam
10. Jika Anda dan kekasih terpisah jarak, lakukan kujungan kejutan (erl)
1. Letakkan catatan di meja makan sebelum sarapan, dengan tulisan 'Aku Cinta Kamu'
2. Kirimkan sebuah e-mail pada kekasih Anda yang berisi sebuah puisi cinta
3. Kirimkan e-card cinta pada kekasih Anda. Untuk yang ini, Anda bisa juga melakukannya setiap hari.
4.Kirimkan bunga dengan catatan singkat 'Aku Cinta Kamu'
5.Buat daftar hal-hal yang membuat Anda mencintainya, betapapun itu terdengar konyol. Dan berikan daftar itu padanya.
6. Luangkan waktu khusus hanya untuk berduaan dengan kekasih Anda
7. Beri pelukan hangat di tempat yang dia tak mendunga Anda akan melakukanya
8. Buat masakan makanan favorit kekasih Anda
9. Saat menemuinya, berikan senyuman Anda yang paling manis dan tatap matanya dalam-dalam
10. Jika Anda dan kekasih terpisah jarak, lakukan kujungan kejutan (erl)
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